Interview with the Maker: Lost Post

With her amazing brand and eye for something a little bit special creative Carriann Featherbe is the owner and creator of Lost Post and we grabbed her for a couple of minutes to answer a few questions.

1. Tell us about what you make?I repurpose cutlery I’ve collected over the years into wearable jewellery, as well as metal stamping pieces to make special keepsakes and gifts. I handstamp cuff bracelets, ring and keyrings and offer a variety of items that can be customised for any purpose or occasion.


2. How did you get started?

LostPost started 5 years ago. I had finished my A-levels and had a summer before I started my Art Foundation at College. I was deep in the creative process experimenting with laminate art,. paper cutting and making various collages out of found and collected materials.

At this time i was also writing letters to people around the world and collecting vintage items. I began using my vintage typewriter in my work and packaging and realised I loved the aesthetic. LostPost is not just one thing, its a collective of interests and it all stems from my love of old, lost and forgotten things.

I collected spoons for many years before finally realising they could be made into usable items, instead of sat in a jar on my desk where I occasionally looked at them in wonderment. It was then that I realised I needed something to use them for and bought my first Dremel. It’s all grown out of trial and error and a love of pretty durable wares.

3. Where did the name LostPost come from?

I can’t remember exactly why I chose this name. I do remember opening a notebook and writing a page of names that seemed the fit the feeling of vintage, nature and the feeling you get when you receive a package in the post. A wonderment of what’s contained inside. I guess I was trying to find a name that fit the feeling when you open your post, and its something you didn’t expect (whether a gift or forgotten order) LostPost seemed to fit that feeling.


4. What inspires you?

I’m inspired by a wide range of things, mostly the ever growing knowledge of patterns and designs of vintage items, the attention to detail and durability of these old items. They feel loved and age well. That inspires me to create items that continue to have a use and are just as beautiful. I’m inspired by the Reuse Reduce Recycle movement and being able to be conscious about waste.

5. What is coming next for LostPost?

I have my first ever 2 day event coming up in late November, a couple more Christmas Fairs, but most importantly… new products.

I’ve been working a lot of how vintage cutlery can be worn further. I’ve made the move into earrings, and my most favourite ‘spoon rings’ which is an exciting time and has been something I’d hoped to do from the very fist time I picked up a spoon with the intention of turning it into something.

So exciting things ahead!!

Shop online Now Lost Post 

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